martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

1.1 Geographic Space

Geographic Space 
What is the Geographic Space? 
Look around you, where are you sitting down? Where are you standing? Where are you walking? 
Every point of our planet that is accessible for human beings is a GEOGRAPHIC SPACE, where we build our lives and use all the resources that the planet gives us to survive. 
Any place that the human being can inhabit, transform or modify and also get a benefit from it will be part of the study of Geography. 
So, Geographic Space is the product of transformations that humans do for periods of time,
why? just to satisfy our needs like food, clothing, home, work even amusement.
Look at the next picture, how it changes from being a natural space to a geographic space..


This space continuously has to be transformed, as you can see in the picture from natural components, will go to social components, and here is where a new component is formed, the economic component.

Natural components:
Desert, waterfall, volcanoes, animals
Social components: 
People, culture,media, construction

Economic Components: 

Every space is different and develops in different way, why? well because of the natural resources it may posses or the government, the fluency of population, investments, and many other reasons that we'll find out during the class. 

  • Transformation of a space implies removing all natural, to satisfy human needs, here is where you as a student have to be conscious about taking care of the only natural resources we have. You have a very important role taking care of our planet and your own geographic space. 

Look into your Dropbox Folder to see which activities we have to do for this topic. 

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015

Welcome to Geography Class!

We Love Geography 
Welcome!!! to your first year of Junior High! We are going to have a great time together... =)
Are you ready??

My name is Ms. Nitza Matus and I am going to be your teacher for this year. I created this blog so we can be in constant communication and also will be your space to come and get some information about the class. 

You will find the activities, homework, even quizzes can be uploaded here, in case you lost some info during classes. 

In case you have some questions regarding class, please comment here or send me an e-mail.

Hope you enjoy it! and once again, WELCOME! =)