miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

1.2 Geographic Space Analysis

Geographic Space Analysis Categories 
The analysis of the Geographic Space will let you understand and comprehend that we belong to a time and space, that we are related with the natural process that happen around us, that the world changes and affects our lives. 

Natural Landscape 
A landscape is all what you can see with your eyes, it needs to have common features, could be natural, social, or made by human. 

2- Geographical Area 
Rural Area 

Urban Area

Geographical area, where life can be developed, relationship between nature and society. 

3- Region 

Mayan Region
A region is an area that shares certain features like climate, vegetation, land forms, even culture, like its shown in the picture, the Mayan region; can you recall another region from your country? 

4- Territory
Mexico's Territory
It is an area under a government, could be a whole country, a province, a city, but it includes everything, the soil, subsoil, territorial water, aerial space and of course its natural resources. 

5- Place 
Your school
A place can be a location, a neighborhood, where people create communication with each other, special bonds, either social, economic or cultural so they can be integrated to a group. 

Activity #5
Copy into your notes the activity is called GeographicSpaceCompareChart,you can find it in Activities folder; follow directions and add a title. 
Activity #6
Get into Dropbox and find the word search about this topic. 

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