jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Population's Composition

Population is studied for its age as young, adult and elder according to formation stages, labor activities and retirement, respectively. Young people are under 14 years, adults between 15 and 64 elder over 65.

Population pyramids are types of charts that represent basic statistic data of population (like sex and age) of a region, a country or demographic trends.

In the pyramids, population or generation segments are represented trough horizontal bars that split from a common axis: men are to the left and women to the right.

The higher the age of a generation (young, adults and senior adults) the higher the likelihood of death, so it can be presumed the number if members of the generations could be lower as long as age increases in pyramid segments.

In shown the typical triangular shape of population pyramids, where generations of lower age are more numerous  than higher segments, which results on high birth and death rates.

Expanding= young   Stationary=Adult    Contracting= Old 

In countries like Germany, there is a reduced birth rate and mortality or death rate decreases of people of 65 years or over, that will represent an stationary pyramid or adult one. This represents a higher potential of productivity but also higher demands in terms of food, housing, transportation and work.

In countries like Brazil or Mexico, young population predominates and their demands are mainly related to schools, health assistance, and afterward jobs.

Activity #
Complete the table from the worksheets given.

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